Do You Struggle with Negative Self-Talk?
Negative Self Talk is a bully that wants you to live in the gutters with it.
· I’m not smart enough.
· I’m not that attractive. I’m fat. I’m too skinny. I’m not curvy enough. I have a double chin. I have a tummy that jiggles. My hair isn’t lush and thick enough/My hair to too crazy and frizzy.
· I’m a bad mother/father.
· I’m a bad daughter/son.
· I’m a crappy employee.
· I’m a bad friend.
Basically insert any negative adjective followed by a role/skill/trait and the shame is infinite.
One trick to silence that bully is to flip the narrative to a POSITIVE MINDSET!
Remember we ALL have areas we could improve as we are learning and growing!
Giving yourself some love, grace and kudos for what you are doing! That will help you kick that negative self-talk bully in the nuts!
· I AM smart and have many skills like (insert all of the skills you bring to the table, do not downplay them).
· I AM a beautiful person inside and out. I love my (insert parts of you physically and mentally that you like).
· I AM a good mother/father who does my best by (insert how you show up for your kids).
· I DO take good care of my aging parent(s) and make sure they are taken care of.
· I AM a good employee who (insert what you bring to your co-workers and organization, do not downplay).
· I DO show up for my friends and make an effort to stay connected.
You will not be skipping through the daisy fields after doing this once, like adopting any new habit, it takes repetition.
These pathways may have deep grooves but with CONSISTENCY in using positive mindset, you recognize that bully faster. Over time you will starve it out! This will make it too weak to speak.
Then your days will begin to naturally attract more positivity!
If you feel you need a bit more of a boost please book a free initial consult!